Saturday 6 February 2010


Today I'm going to Helsinki!!

There's a big event that is going to last for four days related to the Russian Orthodox church in Nordic countries, but we'll stay only until tomorrow evening. Tomorrow morning there'll be a big church service in the
Uspenski Cathedral and there will be a Cossack choir from Russian singing. So... I kind of hope to shoot some awesome photos that day. :)


Against the Past

On the bottom of an old money case

I found two shells and a stone;

They smell like candy and chalk,

They sound like footsteps on the shore.

I found them by accident,

Found, although did not search for,

At the bottom of a yellow-old purse.

They are magical, they contain a mirage;

A circus on wooden feet in the sea,

Too far away for book-blinded eyes to see,

Against ice-thin skies, against

Rosy tortilla clouds, against the world:

A travelling music that springs from a shell.

Photos&Poem: © Lina Sinenko

Thursday 4 February 2010

A Winter Day

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, on Saturday 30th of January I went out to shoot some photos of the lovely old wrecks of a house. Today I finally found the time to construct a more or less decent combination of them to publish here.

So, here's the outcome of my freezing little journey. (In order not to let my camera freeze I held it in my pocket with my bare hand in order to keep it warm... Can a digital camera freeze?! Can it? Oh well....)

Vähäjoki Valley.

On the way to the 'site'. Wading in 30 cm thick snow. <3

An ancient barn or something like that. Basically it stands in the middle of a field. Purpose - unknown.

This house is would be more or less decent and inhabitable if not the broken windows and cracked plaster.... and wrecked roof... well, maybe it's not that inhabitable.

First I thought of climbing in and getting some awesome shots with sunlight pouring in through broken windows and snow on the floor, but I had to give up on that idea, because the snow around the house was at least half a meter thick. I'm not kidding.

Another poor old house. There was a fire, I think. Long ago. But no one has bothered repairing it, and so it just stands there, windows broken, walls black with soot...

Photos: © Lina Sinenko 2010

Wednesday 3 February 2010

One month of childhood

In exactly one month I will turn 18.....................

This is my little sister's (the older one's) birthday cake. She had her 10th birthday on 29th of January.

P.S. I received a double CD of Terry Lin from my friend from Hong Kong yesterday!!! The best early birthday present ever!!!!

Photos: © Lina Sinenko 2010

Tuesday 2 February 2010

I draw, too....

I like drawing, honestly.
And painting, too. In fact, I love art. All art. And it feels really nice to make art yourself.
That's why I've been thinking that maybe I should upload pictures of some of my drawings sometimes. For a change.
I genuinely like photography, but let's face it: what one does if she's dead bored during, let's say, math class? Right. Draw. You just can't start taking photos in the middle of a math class.

This is a watercolour painting I painted on the day I learner that Michael Jackson had died. It was on the next day from his death.
My dad said this doesn't look like him, but oh well. Whatever, say I. At least I had fun for some two hours. And this is it.

Picture: © Lina Sinenko

Winter Sun

On Saturday January 30th I headed out with my camera despite almost 20 degrees of cold outside. My aim was to walk about half a kilometer along the abandoned country road from our house to the 'shooting site' I had chosen: a bunch of abandoned, wrecked houses overpowered by the mother nature on a narrow stripe of something like a forest in the middle of the fields.
I found the country road under the heaps of fluffy, sparkling stuff that reached the knee and at some point I even considered turning back...
The results of that little adventure coming soon :)